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Monday, June 13, 2011

pictures from my life~

This is Bart the dog. I've known him for years & one of my first jobs was walking him & taking care of him while John & Elise were at work. It's been so nice spending time with him this past week.

Elise driving back from an apartment viewing. We had a nice chat & some great ~bonding time.

This has been my day, newspaper & computer searching for apartments & jobs.

Also this. John has every Beatles Album except one & I've been ripping them to my laptop. Soundtrack to my life~

life gets crazier & crazier~

Alright! So! Another update~

I spent this weekend searching for two bedroom apartments & potential roommates. I met up with one roommate, had a job interview & viewed an apartment. At that apartment viewing Elise & I learned that it is going to be hard for me to get a two bedroom by myself & then look for the roommate, so we changed our plan! I'm going to get a one bedroom or a studio! John & Elise are going to help me pay for it & then I won't have to worry about not finding a roommate, or finding one & then hating them. I'm feeling good about this decision.
Then we realized that I'm not going to be able to get to work for a couple of weeks since I am staying with them about an hour & a half away from my job. I called work today hoping that they could keep me on payroll, but expecting the worst. Turns out that I have lost my job, but I'm not stressing, because I greatly disliked it there & Elise is being supportive & thinks that I can find one by September which is when the money that she is giving me will run out.
Even with everything that is going on, all of the stressors, I'm so relaxed, more than I have been in probably a year! Last week, the last month was just horrible, but I am feeling so much better! Having people that care about me & are willing to help makes a world of a difference. I am so grateful for all of my friends. I feel almost content.
Everything will be okay.
Hope you're all doing swell!

Friday, June 10, 2011

phewy! update on my crazy life~

Well, it's been about a week since I last wrote & so much has happened! I'll give you the summarized version of my week.

Saturday- temporarily moved into an apartment shared by five friends. I'm crashing there for two weeks while I search for a roommate(s) and/or apartment. I've been emailing one potential roomie that I'm going to meet with tomorrow & another that I'm hopefully going to meet for coffee on Sunday.

Monday- finally returned to work after two weeks recovering from my concussion. Made it to about 3:30 without incident, then I sprained my wrist. Of course. Had to go home early.

Tuesday- went in to work & was told that I would need to see the doctor concerning my wrist. He examined me & placed me on restricted duty. Since my work doesn't have restricted duty, they told me to take the rest of the week off & Human Resources would call me on Friday to see how things were going.
Cue stress galore & freaking out. I've only worked about 4 days total in four weeks! I need these paychecks so that I can pay for an apartment! I was so very scared. I called my doctor who is also a family friend & she calmed me down & reassured me that we would work something out. She asked me if I wanted to stay with her for a few days (Yes, please!) & we'd relax & figure out a plan.

Wednesday- slept in, read, got ready to have a much needed mini mental vacation. Elise & I went out to an Indian restaurant (my first time) & the food was exquisite! The flavours were wonderfully mixed & the textures were divine. I will definitely be going back. We talked & made plans. She & her husband, John, are so wonderful. They are doing so much to help me & it's so nice to have people care. Elise insisted on helping me pay for this apartment share, or perhaps even a two bedroom so that I may pick the roommate! I am so relieved & beyond grateful. Huge weight off my shoulders.

Thursday- got up early so that John & I could take the car in to be serviced. We walked to a cutey little bakery type restaurant for breakfast. I ordered an iced coffee & a spinach feta croissant; savory, flaky goodness! We talked for a couple of hours & then came back to the house where we read our books & I caught up on emails & blogs. This afternoon there was a fantastic thunderstorm, lighting & thunder all around us. I know that a lot of people dislike them, but I love thunderstorms. I'm always in awe of the show & the quiet before & after compared to the wondrous claps of thunder & strikes of lightning. We lost power for a few hours, but that allowed us to eat supper at one of my favourite delis, so I'm not complaining. I finished my book (review later, maybe?) & played on my computer. It is now officially Friday & I am thinking about going to bed. I have a job interview for a spa downtown & am meeting up with a fella for coffee, we're going to see if we could stand living together. I'm quite nervous for both rendezvous tomorrow, so any special thoughts & vibes would be appreciated! I'll be sure to update on how everything goes! Wish me luck!

PS- I'm going to try to make a post about the concert I went to a couple of weeks ago & also update a bit more often.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

25+ before 25~

A couple of weeks ago I decided to make a 25 before 25 list after seeing some of my favourite blogs doing so. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's really quite simple. You pick an age, usually 30, or 25 or whatever you are close to, but still a couple of years off. I'm 20, so I picked 25. Then you make a list of goals that you want to accomplish before you turn that age. These goals can be simple, such as finally reading that novel, or a bit more complex, like going skydiving. There should be a mix of simple & complex though. Here's my list-

  1. Get a tattoo (so must decide what I want~)
  2. Move to England (or at least visit)
  3. Start a life blog (& keep up with it) (doing so right now!)
  4. Meet a celebrity
  5. Have a serious relationship (& first kiss~)
  6. Take up photography
  7.  Lose weight & maintain a healthy, comfortable number
  8. Watch & own all TV series that I love (must elaborate)
  9. Figure out what I want to do with my life (career wise)
  10. Have an apartment & decorate it~
  11. Meet internet friends
  12. Reconnect with family
  13. Develop all pictures & place in albums
  14. Have a garden
  15. Buy an original piece of art
  16. Donate to charity
  17. Recycle for always~
  18. See a Broadway show
  19. Adopt a pet, or two, or three...
  20. Get my driver's license &
  21. Go on a road trip!
  22. See Red Sox game at Fenway Park!
  23. Read 100 books (& keep track)
  24. Watch 100 films (& keep track)
  25. Take a first aid & CPR course
  26. Throw an Oscars party (maybe coupled with awesome birthday party?)
  27. Throw a surprise party for a friend~
  28. Learn to cook more confidently 
  29. Throw dinner parties (A LOT~)
  30. Have $$$ in savings so that I can feel more relaxed
  31. Pay off loan
  32. Eat healthier
  33. Find a super cute bathing suit that I can rock!
  34. Get a professional massage/SPA DAY
  35. Go to 10 concerts!
It's quite a bit more than 25, & I'll probably keep adding, but I think that I can do it. And maybe I'll extend my time period to 30, who knows? If you decide to make your own list, leave a link in the comments, I'd love to read them!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

day 1- the beginning~

This is the beginning. The very first post. 
I first must say welcome! Thank you for reading! If you want to know a bit more about me look to your right, at the bottom. I typed up a bit of what you will find on this blog, but this is mainly for me to document my life. 
Like I've already said, I have had & continue to have a rough year. The end of 2009 was rotten, 2010 was worse & 2011 hasn't fared much better. I try to remain optimistic & tell myself that I can survive this, but it is quite difficult at times. 
I am currently living with some friends, but it's not working, so I'm moving this Saturday. I'm only allowed to stay there for two weeks & then I must find another place to live. This has been my life since last June, living with friends, looking for a job, finding another place to live. Let me tell you it's a bit much for me. I'd like a place to call home. Need a place to call home. I hope to find that soon. I'll be looking for roommates in the next two weeks, somewhere where I can live for longer than a month, hopefully for at least a year. Having only just snagged a job, still not been paid yet, & having a concussion last week, I know that this is going to be difficult. 
I also want to find another job. My current one is not enjoyable & does not pay enough, so going to work everyday is torturous, but it's better than no job at all! Unemployed, that's what I was for the longest time, so even though this job isn't any where near my idea of a dream job, it brings in the money. It's difficult finding a job though, because I haven't my license, so I must rely on other people to take me to & from work. I hope to be moving to the city soon, so that public transportation will be an option. 
All of these concerns, plus many more, have been on my mind & I hope that having a place to write them all down & share them will help.
So that's where this blog, & you, come in!
Please feel free to email me, or leave a comment. I'd love to figure out how to start following people & maybe make some friends!