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Friday, June 10, 2011

phewy! update on my crazy life~

Well, it's been about a week since I last wrote & so much has happened! I'll give you the summarized version of my week.

Saturday- temporarily moved into an apartment shared by five friends. I'm crashing there for two weeks while I search for a roommate(s) and/or apartment. I've been emailing one potential roomie that I'm going to meet with tomorrow & another that I'm hopefully going to meet for coffee on Sunday.

Monday- finally returned to work after two weeks recovering from my concussion. Made it to about 3:30 without incident, then I sprained my wrist. Of course. Had to go home early.

Tuesday- went in to work & was told that I would need to see the doctor concerning my wrist. He examined me & placed me on restricted duty. Since my work doesn't have restricted duty, they told me to take the rest of the week off & Human Resources would call me on Friday to see how things were going.
Cue stress galore & freaking out. I've only worked about 4 days total in four weeks! I need these paychecks so that I can pay for an apartment! I was so very scared. I called my doctor who is also a family friend & she calmed me down & reassured me that we would work something out. She asked me if I wanted to stay with her for a few days (Yes, please!) & we'd relax & figure out a plan.

Wednesday- slept in, read, got ready to have a much needed mini mental vacation. Elise & I went out to an Indian restaurant (my first time) & the food was exquisite! The flavours were wonderfully mixed & the textures were divine. I will definitely be going back. We talked & made plans. She & her husband, John, are so wonderful. They are doing so much to help me & it's so nice to have people care. Elise insisted on helping me pay for this apartment share, or perhaps even a two bedroom so that I may pick the roommate! I am so relieved & beyond grateful. Huge weight off my shoulders.

Thursday- got up early so that John & I could take the car in to be serviced. We walked to a cutey little bakery type restaurant for breakfast. I ordered an iced coffee & a spinach feta croissant; savory, flaky goodness! We talked for a couple of hours & then came back to the house where we read our books & I caught up on emails & blogs. This afternoon there was a fantastic thunderstorm, lighting & thunder all around us. I know that a lot of people dislike them, but I love thunderstorms. I'm always in awe of the show & the quiet before & after compared to the wondrous claps of thunder & strikes of lightning. We lost power for a few hours, but that allowed us to eat supper at one of my favourite delis, so I'm not complaining. I finished my book (review later, maybe?) & played on my computer. It is now officially Friday & I am thinking about going to bed. I have a job interview for a spa downtown & am meeting up with a fella for coffee, we're going to see if we could stand living together. I'm quite nervous for both rendezvous tomorrow, so any special thoughts & vibes would be appreciated! I'll be sure to update on how everything goes! Wish me luck!

PS- I'm going to try to make a post about the concert I went to a couple of weeks ago & also update a bit more often.

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