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Thursday, June 2, 2011

25+ before 25~

A couple of weeks ago I decided to make a 25 before 25 list after seeing some of my favourite blogs doing so. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, it's really quite simple. You pick an age, usually 30, or 25 or whatever you are close to, but still a couple of years off. I'm 20, so I picked 25. Then you make a list of goals that you want to accomplish before you turn that age. These goals can be simple, such as finally reading that novel, or a bit more complex, like going skydiving. There should be a mix of simple & complex though. Here's my list-

  1. Get a tattoo (so must decide what I want~)
  2. Move to England (or at least visit)
  3. Start a life blog (& keep up with it) (doing so right now!)
  4. Meet a celebrity
  5. Have a serious relationship (& first kiss~)
  6. Take up photography
  7.  Lose weight & maintain a healthy, comfortable number
  8. Watch & own all TV series that I love (must elaborate)
  9. Figure out what I want to do with my life (career wise)
  10. Have an apartment & decorate it~
  11. Meet internet friends
  12. Reconnect with family
  13. Develop all pictures & place in albums
  14. Have a garden
  15. Buy an original piece of art
  16. Donate to charity
  17. Recycle for always~
  18. See a Broadway show
  19. Adopt a pet, or two, or three...
  20. Get my driver's license &
  21. Go on a road trip!
  22. See Red Sox game at Fenway Park!
  23. Read 100 books (& keep track)
  24. Watch 100 films (& keep track)
  25. Take a first aid & CPR course
  26. Throw an Oscars party (maybe coupled with awesome birthday party?)
  27. Throw a surprise party for a friend~
  28. Learn to cook more confidently 
  29. Throw dinner parties (A LOT~)
  30. Have $$$ in savings so that I can feel more relaxed
  31. Pay off loan
  32. Eat healthier
  33. Find a super cute bathing suit that I can rock!
  34. Get a professional massage/SPA DAY
  35. Go to 10 concerts!
It's quite a bit more than 25, & I'll probably keep adding, but I think that I can do it. And maybe I'll extend my time period to 30, who knows? If you decide to make your own list, leave a link in the comments, I'd love to read them!


  1. Love this list. That's such a good idea to make one!

  2. thank you, lovely! you should definitely make one & link it back to me! i checked out your blog & am now following!
